Tiptek in 2024: Highlights and Progress
Message from Leadership
Happy New Year from Tiptek!
Years ago, I had the privilege of spending a day with Intel co-founder Gordan Moore and his family. During his visit, a colleague asked him how many future transistor nodes he could envision at any given time. “I could only ever see a generation or two ahead,” was his response as he reflected upon his career. That’s quite a comment on the relentless yet unpredictable innovation in the semiconductor industry since at least 25 such advances occurred during his work life. For those of
Tiptek Appoints Dr. Pamela Pena Martin to Advance Nanoprobing Research and Development
December 9, 2024 – Today, Tiptek LLC, announces the appointment of Dr. Pamela Pena Martin as Associate Director of Technology Development. Dr. Pena Martin joins the organization with extensive experience in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), materials science, and grant proposal development and management.
Prior to joining Tiptek, Dr. Pena Martin was a research program manager for the NSF-funded Illinois Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where she developed and managed a large education and outreach portfolio.
She received her B.S. in Physics from Youngstown State
Thank You for Visiting Tiptek at ISTFA 2024
Thank you to everyone who visited Tiptek’s booth at ISTFA 2024 in San Diego! We enjoyed connecting with the FA community and sharing information about our nanoprobe product lines and latest technological developments.
One of the highlights of the conference was Tiptek CEO Dr. Scott Lockledge’s participation in the FA Technology Roadmap session, where he contributed to the CHIPS SBIR Funding Awardees Sharing portion. Dr. Lockledge presented Tiptek’s CHIPS Act project, focused on developing new and critically-needed Gigahertz nanoprobes able to locate and analyze high frequency electrical faults occurring
Tiptek Appoints Dr. Joshua Ballard to Lead Next-Gen Gigahertz Frequency Nanoprobe Development
November 19, 2024 – Today, Tiptek, LLC announces the appointment of Dr. Joshua Ballard to lead the development of cutting-edge gigahertz frequency nanoprobes for the electrical failure analysis of advanced semiconductors. This effort is funded through the U.S. Department of Commerce CHIPS for America Act NIST metrology program through its SBIR office.
Dr. Ballard has exceptional qualifications to lead this effort. He is an expert in nanofabrication with multiple decades of experience in scanned probe lithography. Possessing multiple patents and publications related to probe processing and creation, Dr. Ballard brings a strong
Tiptek Awarded Phase I SBIR Funding from the CHIPS Metrology Program
September 18, 2024 – Tiptek has been awarded Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding from the CHIPS Metrology Program. This SBIR project aims to create a new and critically-needed semiconductor manufacturing metrology: Gigahertz SEM-based nanoprobes.
Current nanoprober technology is limited to DC or megahertz frequency probing, which is orders of magnitude slower than the current chip clock speeds of about six gigahertz and limits the ability of semiconductor failure analysis engineers to locate and analyze high frequency electrical faults. The emergence of next-generation gate-all-around (GAA) transistor technology and ground-breaking
Tiptek Awarded Competitive Grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation
September 15, 2024 – Tiptek has been awarded a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) to conduct research and development (R&D) work on ultrasharp nanoprobes for semiconductor diagnostics.
This SBIR Phase I project aims to improve nanoprobing by enabling the technique to probe smaller and more complex electrical devices for longer periods of time. The improved semiconductor nanoprobes that are the focus of this project will greatly enable those who develop and apply the most advanced microelectronics for an array of products across the private commercial and
Tiptek Received Phase I SBIR Funding from DOE’S Advanced Material & Manufacturing Technologies Office
July 19, 2024 – Tiptek received Phase I SBIR funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Material & Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO). This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project aims to meet a critical national need by developing improved methods to fabricate quantum computers, as part of the EES2 goal of increasing microelectronics energy efficiency one-thousand-fold in the next 20 years.
The potential commercial applications of quantum computers lie in several technology sectors, including cybersecurity, materials and pharmaceuticals, banking and finance, and advanced manufacturing. In particular, three principal applications
Tiptek at IPFA 2024

Tiptek’s DOE Success Story
We are excited to share that Tiptek has been selected for a success story feature in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s SBIR/STTR Phase III program!
DOE’s support has been instrumental in our journey, and we’re proud to showcase our innovative work, especially our novel method to create nanoprobes for Atomically Precise Manufacturing (APM).
Tiptek at ISTFA 2023
We are excited to be exhibiting at ISTFA 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona next week! We will be showcasing our high-precision nanoprobes and holding a raffle for a chance to win an Apple iPad Mini.
Visit us at Booth 416 to discuss your nanoprobe needs, and leave us your contact information to enter our raffle.