Tiptek Attends ISTFA 2019
Tiptek co-founder and CEO, Scott Lockledge, attended the International Symposium For Testing And Failure Analysis (ISTFA) 2019 in Portland, Oregon from November 10-14, 2019. The event is organized by ASM International which is dedicated to serving the materials science and engineering profession and the Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society.
Tiptek receives funding from the Energy Department’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO)
In May 2019 Tiptek received SBIR funding from the Energy Department’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) for Atomically precise manufacturing (APM). APM is an emerging manufacturing technology in which materials, structures, devices, and finished goods are fabricated such that every atom is positioned at an exactly-specified location relative to the other atoms. However, one factor limiting this technology is the short lifetime of the probe that manipulates individual atoms. The key goal of this program is to develop commercial probes with extended lifetimes for tip-based atomically-precise manufacturing. The current project will
Tiptek Relocates to New Research Space
In early 2018 Tiptek moved into its new research space in the Savoy Business Development Center (SBDC), which is the Village’s business and technology incubator. The company is pleased to move to a new location and continue its involvement with the small business and research communities in the area.
Scott Reveals His Favorite Element
A chemical element is a material that cannot be broken down or changed into a simpler substance (without the help of an atom-smasher, that is). Elements are the building blocks of all matter — everything we feel, smell, and see — and combine to make all molecules.
The modern periodic table arranges all known chemical elements in order of their atomic number, which refers to the number of protons in that element. The number of protons in an atom affect how many electrons they attract which determines the chemical behavior of
Tiptek’s Lyding Wins Foresight Institute Feynman Prize
In October 2015, Tiptek co-founder, Joseph Lyding, received the Foresight Institute Feynman Prize. Lyding is being honored for his work in creating the Hydrogen Resist Lithography technology, as well as for his contributions to the development of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. The Feynman Prize is a premier honor for his research and development in the field of nanotechnology. Lyding developed technology used in advanced computer chip production, which is now licensed by Samsung.
Lyding elected as AAAS Fellow
In December 2014 CSL faculty member Joseph Lyding, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, was one of six University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign faculty members to be elected 2014 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Lyding was honored for distinguished contributions in nanotechnology and discovery of the giant deuterium isotope effect. Lyding developed scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) hardware and techniques that are used in labs around the world to study materials and devices at the atomic scale, and he also discovered that deuterium could be
Tiptek receives Phase I SBIR funding from the National Institutes of Health
July 1, 2014 – Tiptek received Phase I SBIR funding from the National Institutes of Health for the development of improved probe tips for Biomedical Atomic Force Microscopy via Batch Wafer-Scale. This SBIR grant funds efforts to perfect and scale up a newly patented process for fabricating ultrasharp and hard probe tips for making images of biological specimens. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) methods such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) create images of surfaces by rastering a probe across the surface. The probe itself consists of a tip (which interacts with
Lyding Receives NBIC Award
Professor Joseph W Lyding was honored with the Award for Research Excellence in Nanotechnology in October 2013. This award is accorded to one international researcher each year by Penn’s Bio/Nano Interface Center with Lyding delivering the keynote address at the NanoDays@Penn event on the University of Pennsylvania campus.
Tiptek receives Phase II SBIR funding from the National Science Foundation
February 27, 2013 – Tiptek receives Phase II SBIR funding from the National Science Foundation. This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will perfect a proprietary batch-scale processing technique for fabricating ultrahard and ultrasharp atomic force microscopy (AFM) tips. Hard, sharp tips are of considerable scientific and market interest because tip geometry and mechanical properties significantly impact the results of AFM measurements. The current project will carry out research to perfect a batch wafer-scale process able to manufacture hundreds of tips at once broader/commercial impact of the project
IEEE Fellows Announced, Lyding Among them
April 2011 – The 2011 class of IEEE Fellows includes ECE ILLINOIS professor Joseph W Lyding who joins 54 other faculty members who are also IEEE Fellows. This is the highest grade of membership in IEEE and is recognized within the scientific community as a prestigious honor that reflects an extraordinary record of achievement.